Think Agri turned six on April 30. It’s been a while between blog posts in the Boots and Suits series but I haven’t been resting on my laurels. In fact, just like other six year olds, Think Agri has been doing a lot of growing up.
I’m doing work I love with people I like. I help the people of agriculture, both inside and outside the farm gate, access their own true insight and act on that insight to deliver to create and capture commercial opportunity. I build better commercially focused leaders for the farm, the family and the community. In this last year, I helped family and corporate-owned farming entities with strategy, I shared practical ideas in our Think Agri REAL Insights publication and in public workshops. And I continue to remain connected to industry and the research and extension community within agriculture in Australia and I love every bit of it.
I’m inspired by those who make the most of difficult times and capture the best of good times, while keeping perspective along the way. It’s not just financial and farming skills that constitute commercial leadership in agriculture; it’s the ability to solve problems, get things done and lead a meaningful life with loved ones as well. It’s the ability to control the controllable and be in the driver’s seat.
Last year, I decided it was time for me to share the fundamentals behind that inspiration so I wrote a book. I want to guide you to less worry, more grain, more profit and more thriving. It’s a noisy world out there – changing and uncertain as the pandemic has shown. Generations before us have survived what was thrown at them and gone on to thrive, and you can too. Life will be okay in the long run.
The premise is simple. You can build a robust and highly profitable farm business, by paying attention to crops, people and money. You can do this and stay well, enjoy life and build a legacy. It all depends on making choices that take you towards your goals.
The message is simple. The execution though requires commitment and the ability to navigate the complex beast of the modern farming system. One thing is for sure. It can’t happen if you don’t take the steering wheel.
I trust you enjoy this year’s season of Boots and Suits where you’ll get a taste for the book and some even fresher thinking to help you thrive in your Excellent Farming journey. There will be plenty for those both with Boots on the ground farming or providing services and for those donning the metaphorical suit making agricultural investment and asset management decisions.
The new book:
Crops People Money & You The Art of Excellent Farming (and Better Returns) can be found at