While writing Crops people, money and you, the production of Think Agri REAL Insights was put on hold. The good news is Think Agri REAL Insights is back! Current subscribers will find the link to new episodes hitting their mailbox in the very near future.

You’ve probably gathered that I love farming and I want you to love it too and most of all I love building commercial leaders of agriculture inside and outside the farm gate. For your development as a commercial leader, You can read the blogs, or read the book, do the exercises and self-assessments, and figure out the rest for yourself.


Or, if the blogs or the book  gets you thinking and has you wanting more, you could sign up for the Think Agri REAL Insights (TARI) audio and digital newsletter. It’s a subscription-based storehouse, where you’ll get all the stories, experiences, observations and evidence I’ve accumulated in 30 years working with high performing farming businesses. It’s also a gateway to a great community of people keen on crops, people and money.

Find out more here.