Own less stress, is the fifth tool in my grab bag of tools and tricks.
Be mindful of taking on the stress of others for too long. A useful skill when leading in pressure situations is to be able to listen to others’ angst, without absorbing too much of that angst, for too long.
This can be hard for empathic and compassionate people and requires substantial self-management.
In the heat of the crisis, it’s busy and demanding and sometimes there are no simple answers. It is a very natural response to ruminate over the advice you’ve provided and worry excessively.
While empathy comes hand in hand with community leadership, your people are best served when your decision making is based on logic, as well as considering the emotions involved.
Practical tips to manage your personal stress include:
Staying healthy by getting adequate sleep
Eating well
Exercising and scheduling fun and relaxation
Failing to look after yourself, will impact on your personal wellbeing and on the quality of service you can provide to others.
The resilience at work scale (McEwen 2016) is one practical model that provides guidance for a holistic approach to staying well and achieving at work, at home and in the community.
If you have not read my previous BLOG – Part 4 in this series – Maintain Resilience, this is where we unpacked the resilience at work scale and will provide further clarity for you in this area.
Stay tuned for my next BLOG – Weathering the Storm, using personal power to steer yourself and your community through uncertain times – a grab bag of tools and tricks – Part 7, where we can delve deeper into Ditch Judgement.
Stay safe