Ditch the Judgement is the sixth tool in my grab bag of tools and tricks.

Counterproductive decision making in times of stress is normal.

When uncertainty and stress are rife, our brain goes into flight or fight mode and tends toward emotionally driven decision making rather than rational decision making (Bradberry 2015).

Not everyone may heed your sensible advice and you may find yourself behaving in ways that you later wish you didn’t. Despite your normally diligent, well informed, and rational approach, there will inevitably be times when decisions maybe contrary to rational judgement. That’s okay, we are all human.

When trying to lead others, remember at the end of the day, it’s their life, not yours and you cannot control their decision making or their actions.

Some key factors that can increase the odds of buy in when needing to influence others:

  • Involving the key people in the decision-making process so they understand and take ownership of the advice.
  • Listen and consider their values, goals, and motivations so that the suggested course of action is tailored to their circumstances.
  • Consider the emotional, social and financial risks involved.

When you find yourself erring, be kind to yourself and remember you may be a leader, but you are indeed a human too and it is normal to succumb to stress from time to time. Compassion to self and others is critical in uncertain times.

Stay tuned for my next BLOG – Weathering the Storm, using personal power to steer yourself and your community through uncertain times – a grab bag of tools and tricks – Part 7, where we can delve deeper into Clarify boundaries and Roles, the last tool and trick in my grab bag.

Stay safe